Editor-in-Chief Cameron Harris

Two weeks ago, I was in Evansville, Indiana, to cover the IHSAA Wrestling State Finals. As I had done the two years prior, I planned to photograph the event as well as conduct interviews and provide updates on social media. Getting to do this one last time truly showed me why I love being a journalist. The impact that I have on how people and events are portrayed are of paramount importance to me.

That weekend also reminded me of how lucky I am to attend Warren Central. This school takes so much pride in winning, even when it is over two and a half hours away. I have been lucky to cover this Warrior pride over the last four years.

In this issue of the Owl, our staff wrote about taking pride in what you do in the way of discussing why journalism needs to be a career pathway in our school. Also in the opinion section is a column from Caden Kerr, about taking pride in yourself and doing what you can to protect your body.

New things are starting all the time at this point in the year. We have taken notice and brought you coverage of new coaches, new seasons and even new movies. 

In the entertainment section specifically, we are excited to bring the Owlies, our version of the Oscars. All the same categories, all the same nominees, except we get to pick the winners, based on the opinions of Warren students. This has been a tradition of ours for a long time, and we are excited to continue it.

March is also Women’s History Month, and we are featuring a number of influential women in our world, both past and present. Also in March is Ramadan as well as St. Patrick's Day, and we have coverage for both.

In the sports world, we have coverage of the new coaches and seasons coming up this spring. We also have shoutouts for our State Championship participants from the winter.