Good evening, this is Rich Shepler, principal of Warren Central High School. Once again, I want to thank all students and families for a wonderful first full week back to school.   As we navigate the changes in processes and procedures, I thank you for your patience and understanding.  Our staff is working tirelessly to navigate, troubleshoot, and deliver the high-quality instruction our students deserve.  

In an effort to further assist our fully virtual students, we will host a webinar on Wednesday, August 19th at 6:00 pm.  Virtual teachers, academic coaches, school counselors, and administrators will share tips and tricks and answer questions about virtual learning at Warren Central and Walker Career Center.   Please use the link in the email transcription of this message to access the webinar.   That link can also be found on our website and Twitter. 

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Passcode: 628160

Virtual students that still need to pick up materials can do so by appointment.  Please contact your cohort office to schedule a pickup time. Also, we will continue to operate a help desk for virtual families at our Moorhead Community Resource Center from 11 am-1 pm Monday through Friday.  

Parents and caregivers, please take the time to set up your Synergy Parent VUE account if you have not done so already.   Parents can view their students "Warren Password" on the ParentVUE Student Info tab. Parents can click on Student Info and then scroll to the bottom of the page. They will see their students' passwords right after the bus info.

As a reminder, food is available for hybrid students to take home at the end of each in-person school day.  Please encourage your students to pick up their breakfast and lunch for the at-home learning days as they exit the building.   Our next breakfast and lunch distribution for all Virtual families will be this  Friday at Moorhead Community Resource Center from 8:00 - 9:30. Please enter door 1, and visit the cafeteria.

As we prepare for another great week, please be reminded this week will start with a Gold Day on Monday. Gold day students should attend in person and black day students will work from home.  Virtual students, please remember to answer your daily exit tickets for each class, to ensure you are marked present each day, Monday-Friday. 

One final reminder, parents and caregivers that are dropping off and picking up students, must do so at the main entrance to the high school.  Please enter from Mitthoeffer Road or 21st street and pull all the way around the circle to let your students out.   This will allow for more vehicles to drop off at one time and prevent a back up in traffic. 

As always, please make sure to check your email, the Warren Township app, and social media for continued updates. 

Thank you and have a good evening.